Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Ham and cheese stuffed fried chicken breast
Monday, August 30, 2010
At 4:45PM Taiwan time, we had an earthquake registering a 5.3 magnitude. It lasted about 10 seconds. Since I can't understand the news reports, I dont know if anyone was injured or any buildings went down. But a 5.3 isn't that big and life around here is normal, so it's probably also considered minor here in Taiwan. Much like California, we don't worry about it unless it's over 7.0 magnitude.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Triple threat delicious!
Starfruit is in season! My relative (Hong-Mei) gave me two. So I sliced one up for breakfast.
Then for dinner I decided to try the stewed version of stinky tofu. It's called mala stinky tofu 麻辣臭豆腐. I discovered king oyster mushrooms during my visit to Cingshuei and the night market had some, so I ordered some of those also. However on my quest to find ice slush (冰沙), I discovered a local vender that sells a different variation. It includes Yakult in it. Win! So I walked home with some mala stinky tofu (麻辣臭豆腐) with fried king oyster mushroom (杏鮑菇, xìng bào gū) and passion fruit+Yakult (百香果養樂多冰沙) ice slush. Thats my triple threat yummyness for the evening. For the people reading this that know what these are, Doesn't it make your mouth salivate?

Friday, August 27, 2010
ShiDa (師大路夜市) night market next to NTNU
I visited the ShiDa night market for the first time tonight. It's right across the street from the MTC campus and next to the NTNU campus, so I may be frequenting this night market once school starts. It's a small night market, but still has plenty great food to offer. I've noticed that each night market have additional unique offerings that can't be found at other night markets. So it's important to explore all the night markets. The night market you decide to go to on a specific night, just might depend on what your craving at that moment. A few of the foods I haven't seen at other night markets is a giant desert crepe place. The crepes were the size of my head. Definitly a sharing size! I also discovered a belgium style lounge/pub (serving beer of course), Hong Kong puff pastry stand, Taiwanese beef noodle soup and a burger joint called Evans Burger. Of course the finest catch of the evening is Stinky Tofu! I found a place there that is pretty darn good. I think the best i've had so far. I didn't bring my camera so I don't have any photos to share.
popcorn chicken,
stinky tofu
Thursday, August 26, 2010
New refridgerator arrives!
I ordered and installed a new Panasonic 3-door fridge today. The old one was broken and could barely freeze anything. In addition, it was also pretty stained with rotten food and very stinky. I was so glad when the delivery men took to old smelly one away. The new one stands slightly higher and deeper, but I think it has much more capacity. The new panasonic one has a built-in deoderizer too. I hope the new one works out for the long run.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Jinguashi's Gold Ecological Park and Jioufen (Old Street)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
I have Monies! Thousands!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Hehuanshan mountain
Monday, August 16, 2010
CingShuei township of TaiChung County
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Sanyi township of Miaoli County

Our final stop was Chateau in the Air. It is a large house built by an artist from old iron, wood and cement. The parts that aren't covered in vines have cute stone animals decorating the walls. Inside you'll find it converted to a large cafe serving deserts, teas and coffee. The website for it is www.chateau-in-the-air.com.tw. It was great to get out of the city and start seeing the lush green Taiwan country side.
More photos can be found here.
Friday, August 13, 2010
I'm so fat my belt broke!
Anyways, a few hours later my belt busted. Was it the fancy instant noodles or because it was made in china? Yes, thats right, it's not my belly's fault and I'm not fat! I tried going to the neighborhood tailer to see if he can fix it. No dice. So being Friday and all, I decided to head back to ShihLin night market for a new belt. But first, a haircut.
I've been procrastinating on cutting my hair because of the language barrier. Now or never right? Well after some very bad chinese, i got it cut. Not the style I was looking for, but I think the hairstylist gave up and just did her thing. Umm...what did you do to my hair!? haha just kidding. It took me 30 minutes in front of a mirror to get used to it.

After an hour or two of shopping, I decided to head back to the MRT station. On the way back, I paid closer attention to the food they were selling, well.. because I was hungry. With all the awesome food Taiwan has to offer, I'm always hungry! I noticed a small japanese grandma selling Okonomiyaki from a stand. Okonomiyaki is a japanese omlette or pancake containing various ingredients. It's mainly asociated with the Hiroshima region of Japan. I've got to try this next visit. Walking on, I also noticed a stand selling fresh squeezed passion fruit juice (百香果). One of my favorite fruits. I love nibbling on the little seeds floating in the drink like pearls in milk tea. So I purchased a big cup for $40 TWD and promptly headed home before my eyes spy more food to make me fat. There really is still so many food options yet to be discovered. And you can always look forward to be blogging about it.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
OMG! Chou Dou Fu!!! 臭豆腐!!!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Deep fried goodness @ ShiPai night market

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Finally, Din Tai Fung!
Finally, they found me a local night market closer to my place of residence called ShiPai. Less than a mile walk. If I discover any delicious food, i'll be sure to post and share. Good night everyone!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
NY Bagel in Taipei?
Friday, August 6, 2010
Taiwanese crepe thing
Edit: My cousin says it's 大饼包小饼
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Bitan bridge over Xindian river
This is a wall made out of personalized bricks. One for each person that donated. At least that what i assume. Here's one of two little piggies :)
For a 3pm snack we ate some peanut crumble covered blood cakes (豬血糕) and sour cabbage stuffed stinky tofu (臭豆腐, Shou Dou Fu). The tofu is actually fried then grilled and basted. Yumm! And for desert some shaved ice with red bean and other deliceous toppings. I think that about rounds it off. I'm heading out to the ShinLin nightmarket again suckers!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
My new tripod

While exploring I had to cross the street in an underground tunnel that apparently no one uses and the city forgot about. It was dark, damp, rusty, damaged, drippy, mildewy, smelly, bug infested and downright nasty. So I took a picture LOL.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Photography district @ Taipei Main station

Finally, I think i'm getting used to the heat. 100+ degree day with 90% humidity, sun is out and no breeze. Didn't have much of an issue. shorts would have helped though :(
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Huashan brewery, urban decay
Started out the day with a cup of spicey Xian Dou Jiang (咸豆浆).

Then some exploration into local Taipei urban decay of an old brewery. It's now called the Huashan 1914 creative park. On Weekends they have mini K-cars parked there serving small snacks. During the evening it's a good place to pick up a leaded drink.

Then finished the day off at a nice Japanese restaurant. It was a cool place. Live band suspended above the bar. The place used to be an old theatre. They had a boat of Uni pile don Uni, my favorite! and only $11, I love Taiwan!

Then some exploration into local Taipei urban decay of an old brewery. It's now called the Huashan 1914 creative park. On Weekends they have mini K-cars parked there serving small snacks. During the evening it's a good place to pick up a leaded drink.

Then finished the day off at a nice Japanese restaurant. It was a cool place. Live band suspended above the bar. The place used to be an old theatre. They had a boat of Uni pile don Uni, my favorite! and only $11, I love Taiwan!

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